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Sunday, 9 February 2014


Chinese New Celebration continues. I had the Chinese New year salad tossing (known as Yusheng, Prosperity Toss and/or Lo hei) this week. You are expected to toss the salad with friends and colleagues to wish for goof luck. Salad mix for tossing are also available at supermarket.


Sunday, 2 February 2014

旧正月- Chinese New Year

初めての旧正月。連休2日目にシンガポールの友人宅でのChinese New Year Open House Partyへ。日本のお正月のように、旧正月中は家族や親戚などへの挨拶まわりに加え、「福をもたらす」ために親しい友人を家に招待して祝う。

On Day 2 of the Chinese New Year long weekend, I was lucky enough to be invited to a Chinese New Year open house party at my friend’s house. Just like the New Year tradition in Japan, this is the time to reunite with family members. Day 2 is the perfect day for the Open house party to gather with family and close friends.


ビュッフェ・ディナーのメニューは食にこだわるホストが慎重に選んだ「福」をもたらす料理。今夜一番楽しかったのは、友人達と旧正月用お菓子をつまみながらの歓談。今夜出されたお菓子は、ホストがわざわざマレーシアまで出向いて、質の高い手作りのものを購入したとのこと。The buffet dinner menu was carefully selected by the host to bring ‘good luck’ to those who share the meal. The highlight of the night was spending time with friends while munching these sweets. The gourmet host went all the way to Malaysia to buy this specially hand-made Chinese New Year sweets for this occasion. 

This moreish pineapple biscuits were made by his next door neighbour. I learnt that pineapple means wealth, luck, excellent fortune and a perfect fruit for the Chinese New year celebration.