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Saturday, 25 January 2014

老舗バクテー店 - Ng Ah Sio


A good friend of mine, a Singaporean businessman who has two home bases - Perth (Western Australia) and Singapore, took me to Singapore’s old-fashion favourite, Ng Ah Sio on Ragoon road. I was introduced to a traditional Singaporean meal – Bak kut teh.  Bak Kut Teh is a pork based herbal soup and it is accompanied by a bowl of white rice and strong Chinese tea. The original of Bak Kut Tek is believed to come from the early days of Singapore to help labours regain energy from a nourishing meal. 

Ng Ah Sio Ragoon Road店は特に人気で、早い時間に到着してにもかかわらず、すでに店内は満席。温かいスープとしっかり煮込まれた豚肉に白いご飯がぴったり。さすが「パワーアップ」が必要な時の料理、と納得。
Ng Ah Sio’s flagship store on Ragoon Road is particularly popular. We thought we went there before the peak time rush but the store was already full. White rice goes extremely well with pork ribs in a hot herbal soup. Agree, this is a power dish to give you more energy.


Sunday, 19 January 2014

シンガポールの食文化 - Food culture of Singapore

ようやく引越し作業も落ち着き生活のペースが掴めてきたので、やっとシンガポールの食について情報発信ができそうだ。東京23区ぐらいの面積しかない小さい国なのに、食文化は多様で奥深い。「シンンガポールを食べ尽くす」というかなり高い目標を掲げているが、網羅するにはかなりの時間がかかりそう。Hotel clubのホームページによると、人口あたりのレストランの数が世界一多いらしい。楽しくおいしくマイペースで目標に近づくことにしよう。

Finally I moved into an apartment and I can start exploring Singapore’s food culture. While its land area is small (714.3 km2), its food culture is extremely diverse and intriguing. The theme is to “Eat Singapore”. While I set the bar of my quest very high, I will take time to explore and enjoy Singapore’s food culture and lifestyle on my own pace. Hotel club blog site states that Singapore has recently topped the chart of ‘most restaurants per million people’ (source: what a great place to live.


I started my food adventure with Hainanese Chicken rice – very popular and famous dish in Singapore. I explore several restaurants based on inputs from Singaporean colleagues and friend.

I went to a chicken rice stall at a popular food court in my office building. S$3.50 for a good size chicken rice!

次に同僚おすすめのTuck Shopのチキンライス。お弁当スタイル。 This is from Tuck shop. A bento style chicken rice.

さらにシンガポールのチキライスの代表格「文東記」もチェック。三角に盛られたライスに感激。 Triangular shape rice is from Boon Tong Kee, one of the most famous Chicken rice shop in Singapore.
